Do you really want to let your wife or girlfriend know that you are thinking about them when you aren’t together and really express how special she is to you?

If you are struggling for just the right romantic text message to send your wife or way to express your love for your girlfriend, I’ve made a list of 69 romantic, sweet, and occasionally cheesy texts to send your partner that lets you know that they mean the world to you.

Take these romantic text messages and give them your own special flavor and send them to her when she least expects it and watch her heart melt.

Romantic and Sweet Text Messages

“Waking up knowing I have you in my life is the best feeling in the world.”
“Every moment with you feels like a dream come true. I love you more than words can express.”
“In case I haven’t mentioned it, you are the woman of my dreams.”
“Guess what? (What?) I love you!”
“Just wanted to remind you how much my heart beats for you.”
“I just saw this and it made me think of you”

“I feel so lucky to have you in my life”
“Remember when we went to ____. That was so much fun.”
“Every moment with you feels like a dream come true. I love you more than words can express.”
“Thinking of you makes me smile”
“Forget coffee, you are the best part of waking up”
“You looked so amazing in that __.”

“I just want to run away with you”
“I feel so happy when you are in my arms.”
“I had a dream about you last night, and now I can’t stop thinking about you”
“Texting can’t hope to relay how much I truly love you”
“I can’t wait until we are together and you are squeezing me like your teddy bear”
“I would have a much easier time going to sleep if you were here with me”

“You and I make a better combination than peanut butter and jelly”
“The whole soul mate thing sounded so corny until I met you”
“I love rolling over and seeing your face in the morning”
“Those times I just smile and kiss you, it is because I don’t have words to describe how much I love you”
“I don’t even know how to describe how lucky I feel to have you in my life”
“Every moment with you feels like a dream come true. I love you more than words can express.”

“That you picked me as your one and only makes me feel so amazing”
“I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“So, I have to admit, there is this really amazing girl I know. I like her a lot. Her name is (insert girlfriend’s name here).”
“I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you in it”
“So much is going on in the world, but to me, you are all that matters”
“My friends give me grief because I get the dorkiest smile whenever I talk about you”

“You are so amazing, I can’t imagine being with anyone else”
“Seeing that you have sent me a text makes my heart sing”
“I hate us being apart, but I’d wait as long as it takes to be with you”
“You are the only person on this entire planet that I want to share all of my life with”
“I keep trying to sleep, but all I do is keep thinking of you”
“I can’t wait until we can take some time to be together and cuddle up in each other’s arms”

“The only thing that would make today better would be if you were here with me”
“I think I need a whole day of snuggles”
“Just wanted to remind you how much my heart beats for you.”
“You are so adorable when you __.”
“I love you like a fat kid loves cake.”
“Are you free for the rest of your life? I want to keep you engaged.”

“Even Einstein couldn’t calculate how much I love you.”
“I wish I was with you right now.”
“Nothing can make this day brighter except you beside me.”
“At night I dream of you and during the day I dream of sleeping with you.”
“I know you are very busy, but can you save some energy? We will need it at night!”
“How is it you always know just what to say to make me smile.”

“If only these words could truly express the depth of my love for you.”
“Without you, there can be no me.”
“Every time I see your eyes, I feel as if my dreams are coming true.”
“How can you keep on looking beautiful all through the day?”
“I think we are the soul mates who are meeting after being separated at the last birth.”
“Sweetheart, you are not only my girlfriend but my reason to live.”

“Thinking of your smile gets me through my day.”
“Sweetheart, do you know that you rule my heart and life?”
“There are millions of girls in the world, but you are the only one for me.”
“You stole my heart, but I want you to keep it.”
“You make me wonder if it is possible to overdose on love.”
“I don’t need to do cardio, every time I’m with you my heart races.”

“The moment I saw you I knew you were the one for me.”
“I want a threesome… with you, me and eternity.”
“Want to see the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen?” (send her a pic of herself)
“I miss your cute smile when we aren’t together.”
“I really love that you understand me so well. I can tell you anything.”
“You make every day an adventure. I’m so grateful to have you by my side.”

“I just wanted to let you know, I can’t imagine life without you.”
“Every moment with you feels like a dream come true. I love you more than words can express.”
“You are the cheese to my macaroni.”