Women Don’t Date Short Men

guy getting rejected for being short

Yesterday I got in a long discussion on here about women not dating short men.

The conversation kicked off because of a post about a 5’6″ going through a $150,000, year long procedure to lengthen his legs to make him 6′ tall. Women didn’t understand why he would do that and asked what made him so insecure.

I pointed out that women don’t date short men and the magic cutoff line is 6′, and to that, the women in the thread almost universally claimed “we don’t do that”. The fact is though that about half of all women won’t date a guy that is shorter than them, and nearly 100% marry a guy that is taller by them.

The average woman is ~5’5″. The men they marry are almost exclusively almost 6″ taller than them. That means for most men, they need to be at least 5’10” to have a real shot at getting married.

Why are women like that?

One reader asked “Why does he have to succumb to other people’s preferences even though they might not even be his own?” Great question, considering that women repeatedly bemoan being judged on their looks, how they dress or how much they weigh. All of those things are much easier to change than stretching your femurs by 4″.

For some reason, this is just one of a series of double standards that women impose on the men around them, and it makes no sense. He could be the best guy ever, kind, caring and loving, but if he is short, he will not even get considered.

What Do You Do As A Short Guy?

As a 6’4″ tall dude, I’ll admit that my experience with how to get women as a short dude is pretty limited. Here are my observations from the outside though.

Accept that you are short and get over it. Having a bad attitude or being insecure about being short is a big turn off and puts you on bad emotional footing to deal with rejection.

Grow a personality and sense of humor. Unless you go spend a buttload of money, and suffer through at least a year of pain, you are always going to be short. You need to learn to roll with it and even make it a positive. The trope-ish answer to what women want is “a guy that makes them laugh”. If you can’t be tall, at least be funny and engaging.

Get your ass in the gym. Dumpy dude are never high on the list of things women want in their lives, at least not women you really want to date. Go hit the gym like a fiend and get looking good, or even ripped. It is good for you, and will improve your dating chances.

Get used to rejection. Women are harsh on the rejection front. They don’t care if they hurt your feelings. You need to learn to not take it personally. Yeah, it isn’t easy, but it is an invaluable skill.

Remember That Dating Sucks

One last thought is that regardless of your height, dating as a guy, SUCKS. From overly picky women, to the ones that just want to go on a date for a free meal, to the plain old psychos, it is tough. In writing this post, I came across a post that says even Shaq has accepted being single for the rest of his life.

Look, if a giant of a man with a big bank account can’t find a good woman, you know it is bad. So when you are striking out, and finding all the wrong women, take solace that it isn’t just you. All the single dudes are in the same boat.

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