In starting down the rabbit hole of really getting back into Tantra, I decided that I need to start with the essential books on the subject. Here is one list that I’ve compiled and it will likely grow as I do more research.

  1. “The Essence of Tantric Sexuality” by Dhirendra Brahmachari
  2. “Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy” by Georg Feuerstein
  3. “The Heart of Tantric Sex” by Diana Richardson
  4. “Tantra: The Supreme Understanding” by Bhagwan Rajneesh
  5. “Tantric Quest: An Encounter with Absolute Love” by Osho
  6. “Tantra: Cult of the Feminine” by Kamakhya Devi
  7. “Tantra Magick: An Amookos Manual” by Jason Augustus Newcomb
  8. “Tantric Transformation: Conscious Sexuality as a Spiritual Path” by Rolf A. Fjelde.

These books should offer a comprehensive understanding of tantra, including its history, philosophy, practices, and ethics. If you are just starting to study Tantra, I suggest that you approach it with an open mind and no preconceptions, and to consult multiple sources to gain a well-rounded understanding of the subject.