You Are Entirely Up To You

You are entirely up to you

hat YOU are the only person who decides who you are going to be and how you’re going to operate in the world is a tough concept for some people to grasp. But the fact is, every single day, you get the chance to choose who you will be. This choice isn’t just about what you do; it’s about who you are at your core.

Obviously, you can’t change your physical appearance with a mere snap of your fingers—height, eye color, or the shape of your nose remain constant without intervention. But WHO you are—your character, your morals, your outlook—that can change in an instant. You can decide to be more patient, more compassionate, or even to become someone who stands up for what they believe in, no matter the cost.

The best part of this whole scenario? YOU are the one who gets to make that decision. No one else can dictate your inner world unless you allow them to.

Now, I often hear the rebuttals: “But I can’t because…” followed by some excuse about why some external force or circumstance keeps them stuck in the same old patterns. NOPE! Those are just excuses, crafted to avoid the hard work of taking control of your own life. It’s much easier to blame who you are on other people, on your upbringing, or on past failures. But here’s the truth: those are just shadows you’re hiding behind when you could be stepping into the light of your own potential.

Offloading all that responsibility onto someone else, or some past event, or whatever it might be, isn’t the path to freedom. It isn’t taking control of your life. It’s giving that control away.

I understand why people shy away from this responsibility, though. It’s scary. To be truly honest with yourself, to look in the mirror and see not just the person you are but the person you could become, that’s hard. People don’t like to do what’s hard. They prefer comfort, even if it’s the comfort of their own limitations.

If you’ve made it this far into this post, I want to pose a question to you.

Will you take charge of your life, claim your freedom, and steer your destiny, or will you continue to let your past, your fears, or the voices of others dictate who you are today and where you’re going tomorrow?

Remember, this isn’t about making grand, life-altering decisions in one fell swoop. It’s about making small, daily choices that collectively shape who you are. It’s about deciding to forgive yourself for past mistakes, to learn from them, and to move forward with purpose.

It’s YOUR call.

Every day, every moment, you have the power to choose who you are going to be. So, what will it be?

Will you embrace this power, or will you let it slip through your fingers, blaming the world for your place in it?

The choice is yours, and it’s time to make it.

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